Benefits for Ukrainian Pensioners
According to 24 Channel, Ukrainian pensioners can enjoy certain benefits after retirement. For example, they may be exempt from mandatory land tax.
Exemption Criteria
Pensioners receiving age-related pensions may not have to pay land tax if their land plot meets certain limits. An important condition is compliance with the size criteria.
Application Process
The place of residence of the pensioner does not matter for receiving this benefit. To use it, a person must apply to the local control authority with the appropriate application and provide the necessary documents.
Current Limits for Exemption
— plot up to 0.12 hectares for gardening;
— plot up to 2 hectares for personal agriculture;
— plot up to 0.01 hectares for building individual garages;
— plot up to 0.10 hectares for individual dacha construction;
— plot up to 0.25 hectares for building and servicing residential buildings, economic buildings, and structures in villages;
— plot up to 0.15 hectares for building and servicing residential buildings, economic buildings, and structures in settlements of urban type;
— plot up to 0.10 hectares for building and servicing residential buildings, economic buildings, and structures in cities.