Passing the State Examination Board and Updating Legislation

Due to the current martial law and mobilization in Ukraine, undergoing a military medical commission (VLC) has become a mandatory procedure for updating health data of individuals subject to military service.

Major Roman Istomin

A representative of the Poltava Regional Territorial Recruitment Center explained the procedure for passing the VLC in a comment to «Telegraph». He emphasized that the requirements of government decree №1487 remain in force.

«However, if we follow the law, which requires clarification of personal data within 60 days, passing the VLC is not necessary — in the future, those subject to military service will be separately invited to the commission if needed,» he added.

Major Istomin also noted that sending a person who received a summons for a medical examination does not violate the legislation.

It is worth reminding that a new draft law concerning mobilization in Ukraine has made significant changes to the criteria of military fitness. In particular, the list of eye diseases that may serve as a basis for exemption from military service has been updated.