Space Fashion: Astronauts in Testing Spacesuits

NASA Field Testing of Moon Space Suits

NASA has released a photo of astronauts testing space suits in the Arizona desert, which are intended for future flights to the Moon. However, many observers have reacted to these «space» suits with some skepticism as they seem unsuitable for space conditions.

What raises doubts about the spacesuits

In the published images, astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas are seen performing tasks «on the Moon», wearing partially space equipment and partially regular tourist clothing, including sunglasses.

Observers had a logical question: how can such suits be used in space if they do not have sleeves?

«Field tests are crucial to verify all systems, equipment, and technologies required for successful ‘Artemis’ missions to the Moon. Our engineering and scientific teams have worked together to ensure we are prepared at every stage of the journey until astronauts once again set foot on the Moon,» said field test director Barbara Yanoyko.

It is likely that only suit mock-ups or early prototypes that were not yet completed were used during testing.